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How to remove threaded hole from solid

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How to remove threaded hole from solid
I have created some quite complex solid, chosen some screw from the library and made a threaded hole using selective cut. After some time I realized I need to move that holes (or remove it and drill again). Is there any way to do that instead of creating solid from a scratch?
threaded hole

There is no need to make the threaded hole in such a complicated way. You can use the THH command (an icon "Threaded Hole"). Using this command you can create threaded holes much faster.

To move the hole, use the STC command (an icon "Transformations, Copy, ..."), and then n the floating "3D Selection" menu click on "Select Solid Boolean Tree Branches". Then simply select the threaded hole to move it.

To delete it, just click on the icon "Delete..." and , and then n the floating "3D Selection" menu click on "Select Solid Boolean Tree Branches"..... similarly as above.

How to remove threaded hole from solid
Thanks for a quick answer - very helpful as always!
The key was "Select Solid Boolean Tree Branches" instead of "Select Entire Solid"

> There is no need to make the threaded hole in such a complicated way. You can use the THH command (an icon "Threaded Hole"). Using this command you can create threaded holes much faster.
I found Selective Cut for that somewhere in a tutorial - it's not as bad and similar to THH command.
selective cut vs. THH command
Yes, Selective Cut works, too. But the THH command is still faster and also offers more options for depth of the hole, thread etc. So for this purpose, it really seems better.