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Problem creating drafts

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Problem creating drafts
Hi All,

I'm trying to create a fairly simple box (with a draft of approx. 1deg) and then trying to make the box open-ended (using the shell tool). The problem I have is that if I use the shell tool, Varicad won't let me apply any fillets to the edges - and if I try to apply the fillets first, it won't let me use the shell tool (the error I get is "Cannot connect offseted patches near highlighted location" and highlights one of the corners).

I've created the drafted sides using the Arc 3 Points tool - the way I do this is by creating two vertical or horizontal guidelines (approx 5mm apart) then drawing the first point of the arc at the start of the first line, then the second point in the middle of the second line, then the third point at the end of the first line - so it forms a fairly 'low' arc from one end of the first line to the other.

Is this the correct way to create a draft or should I be doing this another way? Not sure whether it helps but I'm using Varicad 2008 v1.02.

Thanks in advance,
